Page 28 - Money in Energy
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Money in energy -Investment Opportunities and risks 2010

Years 1990 2006 -2010 2015 2025 2030
Renewal Energy

3.3 trillion Kwhrs

Hydroelectric power 1.8 trillion Kwhrs
54% 1.1 trillion Kwhrs
Wind power33 %

OECD countries Wind and Biomass
Non OECD countries Hydro el ectri ca l power pl a nts i n Chi na , Indi a , Bra zi l , Vi etna m a nd La os
Chinas wind power
generation 2 billion KWhrs 315 billion Kwhrs

Nuclear generation China accounts for 88% of the total increase in Non OECD wind Generation
worldwide( in trillion
Kwhrs) 2.7 3 3.8

India faces an enormous challenge in meeting its energy requirement over the
coming 25 years to support a growth rate of 8 percent. This challenge can be met
with a coherent approach which develops all her energy resources. The robust
economy and the rising demand is a good sign of investing in the energy sector
now when the government is extending all the tax benefits and incentives. A long
term investment will yield benefits more than any other investment. The Choice
of renewal energy to invest in is the question. Wind power and solar energy
promise a good option with abundance of resource and easy distribution.
Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing
government support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation,
incentives and commercialization. New government spending, regulation and
policies helped the industry weather the 2009 economic crisis better than many
other sectors. Main forms of renewable energy : Wind power ,Hydropower, Solar
energy , Bio fuel, Geothermal energy.

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